Hello, my name is Priscilla Patton and if you're interested in learning about living trusts you can find many articles of interest in this blog. When my parents told me they were going to speak to an attorney about a living trust, I didn't know exactly what they were talking about. I decided to do some research to find out about living trusts and why they're beneficial. After doing thorough research, I knew all about living trusts and I was glad that my parents had decided to speak to an attorney about this important legal document. If you need to learn more information about living trusts, please read my blog.


What To Do If You Were Involved In A Fatal Car Accident

24 November 2014
Law, Articles

Being involved in a fatal car accident is a very confusing a scary time. If law enforcement proves you caused the accident, you could be facing many charges against you including reckless driving and vehicular homicide. It's important to know your rights and retain a good lawyer. No one should have to sit in jail for an accident. If you were recently involved in a fatal crash, or just want to know what to do if it ever happens, here is some advice on what to do after the fact; along with some charges that you could be facing.
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Family Law - How To Avoid Legal Battles During The Adoption Process

20 November 2014
 Categories: , Articles

If you are currently considering adopting a child, then you should know that most adoptions take about 12 months to complete. The process can be long and difficult, and it is in your best interest to hire a family law attorney to help you through your adoption journey. Once you hire the lawyer, make sure that the following things are done so that future legal issues do not arise. Make Sure Parental Rights are Waved
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More Men Are Filing Sexual Harassment Lawsuits. Here Are 3 Reasons Why

19 November 2014
 Categories: Law, Articles

Up until recently, it was very rare for a man to avail himself of his rights under the sexual harassment laws. These were seen as a means to protect women from discrimination and harassment on the job, which was and still is a big problem. The laws provided equal protection to men, but the idea of a sexual harassment lawsuit by a man was unusual. This trend is gradually changing, however.
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Receiving Worker’s Compensation? What You Need To Know About Your Nurse Case Manager

18 November 2014
 Categories: Law, Articles

If you are receiving worker's compensation you may have a nurse case manager assigned to your case. While there are generally clear guidelines for your nurse case manager, you may feel that he or she is a bit intrusive on your privacy. It's important to understand the role of your nurse case manager. That way, you may be able to determine if the actions he or she takes are appropriate or not.
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How To Avoid Overexerting Yourself At Work

17 November 2014
 Categories: Law, Articles

According to BusinessInsurance.com, overexertion injuries are the most common reason for someone to file a workers' compensation claim. You might think that if you work in a job that is not physically demanding, you are immune to this type of injury. Unfortunately, that's not true: You can overexert your body in nearly any setting, because if you do any lifting, carrying, pulling, pushing or even holding, you might be at risk.
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About Me
The Benefits Of A Living Trust

Hello, my name is Priscilla Patton and if you're interested in learning about living trusts you can find many articles of interest in this blog. When my parents told me they were going to speak to an attorney about a living trust, I didn't know exactly what they were talking about. I decided to do some research to find out about living trusts and why they're beneficial. After doing thorough research, I knew all about living trusts and I was glad that my parents had decided to speak to an attorney about this important legal document. If you need to learn more information about living trusts, please read my blog.
