The Benefits Of A Living Trust

Hello, my name is Priscilla Patton and if you're interested in learning about living trusts you can find many articles of interest in this blog. When my parents told me they were going to speak to an attorney about a living trust, I didn't know exactly what they were talking about. I decided to do some research to find out about living trusts and why they're beneficial. After doing thorough research, I knew all about living trusts and I was glad that my parents had decided to speak to an attorney about this important legal document. If you need to learn more information about living trusts, please read my blog.

The Benefits Of A Living Trust

Can You Sue The Credit Bureaus For Damaged Credit?

7 April 2015
Law, Articles

Your credit score is an important aspect of your financial health and can have a direct impact on the monetary and employment opportunities available to you. That's why it's critical to regularly monitor your credit report for mistakes and get them fixed right away. Unfortunately, sometimes credit bureaus do not adhere to their legal obligations to fix reporting errors, causing consumers untold angst and losses. However, the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) has provisions that allow consumers to sue reporting agencies for violations of the law.
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3 Factors Lawyers Consider During Car Accident Compensation Cases

24 March 2015
 Categories: Law, Articles

After suffering injury in a car accident, you may immediately contact the other party's insurance company in an attempt to receive fair compensation. Unless your case is extremely straightforward, it is not likely the insurance company will provide a settlement that covers your pain and suffering, property damage, medical bills and time off work. Once you exhaust your attempts to win a fair compensation package on your own, you may need to work with a personal injury lawyer to resolve the case.
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Stay Away From Lawsuits With These Winter Driving Safety Tips

9 March 2015
 Categories: Law, Articles

The winter months are extremely dangerous for drivers. There are an average of 467 fatalities every year just from driving on snowy and icy roads. Even if you have automobile insurance, you can find yourself in a lawsuit if you swerve off the road and damage someone's vehicle or property. Practice these winter driving safety tips before you end up injured or being sued for auto accident damages. Check your tire pressure regularly
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Does Gender Reassignment Invalidate A Marriage?

18 February 2015
 Categories: Law, Articles

Although social support for GLBT individuals has grown significantly in recent years, legal support continues to lag behind the times. In particular, transgender individuals often face legal hurdles that are further complicated by how the state and federal government views their gender identities. One such complication is the risk that gender reassignment may result in their marriages being invalidated by the courts. Here's more information about this legal quagmire and what you can do to protect yourself.
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What To Do If You Were Involved In A Fatal Car Accident

24 November 2014
 Categories: Law, Articles

Being involved in a fatal car accident is a very confusing a scary time. If law enforcement proves you caused the accident, you could be facing many charges against you including reckless driving and vehicular homicide. It's important to know your rights and retain a good lawyer. No one should have to sit in jail for an accident. If you were recently involved in a fatal crash, or just want to know what to do if it ever happens, here is some advice on what to do after the fact; along with some charges that you could be facing.
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About Me
The Benefits Of A Living Trust

Hello, my name is Priscilla Patton and if you're interested in learning about living trusts you can find many articles of interest in this blog. When my parents told me they were going to speak to an attorney about a living trust, I didn't know exactly what they were talking about. I decided to do some research to find out about living trusts and why they're beneficial. After doing thorough research, I knew all about living trusts and I was glad that my parents had decided to speak to an attorney about this important legal document. If you need to learn more information about living trusts, please read my blog.
