How You Can Sue Over Construction Negligence
When a construction company is negligent regarding how it carries out a construction project, this negligence can lead to serious injuries and even death. As a result, it is necessary for those who have suffered injuries from a construction company to file a lawsuit in order to receive compensation.
The easiest construction projects to file a lawsuit over involve those projects in which the project is not completed. Under these circumstances, the failure to meet the terms of the contract can be used to require that the construction contractor be reimbursed for the cost of the project. However, in cases where the construction contractor the project was completed, which is usually the case since most construction projects are carried out by professionals, it can be more difficult to prove negligence.
Breaches Of Warranty
For a completed project, another reason to sue would be over a breach of warranty. An example would be if a basement floor was worked on. Then, the basement floor might develop a crack and the warranty may offer a free repair as a result of a breach of the warranty. If the construction company refuses to perform these repairs, this could be the subject of a lawsuit.
Negligence After A Completed Project
It is important to hire a construction lawyer, such as from Sauro & Bergstrom, PLLC, who can determine which individual involved in the construction project that a layman would assign fault to. The contract itself might assign liability or provide for an indemnification. It must be determined what the reduced value of the project would be if the defect was not fixed, or if the defect is fixed, the cost of having the defect fixed must be determined. For example, the defect may lead to a reduction in the property values.
Construction Loans
The cost of an improper building construction can be very high, so it is recommended that you receive a construction repayment loan. There usually is no money down on this type of loan. When you pay the loan off in full, there is a fee and you will also usually be required to pay interest. In addition to the cost of having any problems corrected, you will also need to be compensated for any lost income as a result of the building not being constructed properly. Also, if there were any injuries as a result of the construction accident, you may receive a loan for this as well.