2 Things You Need To Know About Personal Injury Lawsuits
Personal injury lawsuits happen all the time. You might be wondering if you could file a personal injury lawsuit and make it work for you. There are many things that you could happen when filing a personal injury lawsuit, which is why it is so important that you educate yourself before you file the suit. Here are some things you should know.
1. You Should Talk To Your Insurance First
Before you take legal action you should always talk to your insurance provider first. If you were in a car accident there is a good chance that your insurance company, or the other person's insurance provider, will help to cover all of the damages and losses. You should take all of the expenses that were related to the accident and submit them to the insurance company. Don't accept a payout until you have submitted all of these damages. If they give you a payout, they will most likely have you sign some sort of contract saying that the situation is resolved, so make sure you are sure that you have submitted everything before you sign the contract.
It is only when the insurance company is unwilling to negotiate, or when the guilty party doesn't have adequate insurance that you may want to file a personal injury lawsuit.
2. Be Ready To Settle
Lawsuits can be expensive and take a long time to resolve. Ideally you should try to resolve the issue as soon as possible. Don't try to take it to court. Taking the lawsuit to court will take longer, cost you more money and it is a risk. When you settle you guarantee that you at least get something. When you go before a judge or jury you run the risk of having them not take your side. You could walk away from the lawsuit without a single penny. This is why the majority of people settle.
Additionally, you need to know that when you settle you should expect to receive less than what you planned. A settlement is a compromise, so if you are asking for $20,000 you might settle for closer to $10,000-$15,000. Even though this is less money, you save money on legal fees, you get it quicker, and you guarantee you get something.
These are two important things that you should know personal injury lawsuits. Before you take any legal action, talk to a law firm, like Dunbar & Dunbar, about your options.