Being Paid For Your Pain And Suffering
When it comes to car accidents, the suffering can be immense. If you have been injured because of the careless actions of another driver, you should be compensated for your damages. Often, accident victims hear the term "pain and suffering" and wonder how this form of compensation works. While it may be difficult to understand exactly how a person can possibly be paid for their pain and suffering, it can and does happen all the time. Read on to learn more.
What does your pain and suffering look like?
The physical effects of an accident can be considerable, but that might be only the beginning of the suffering.
The body and mind are interconnected, and the emotional and mental effects that result from the trauma and physical injuries of an accident can be difficult to deal with. It's not uncommon for accident victims to suffer from crippling anxiety, mood swings, problems sleeping, appetite concerns, depression, and more. Unfortunately, the effects don't end with you alone; your entire family can be affected by the ill effects of an automobile accident.
How is pain and suffering calculated?
It's vital that you keep a close eye on your medical expenses and keep good records of your treatments, since this is one the main indicators of the severity of your injury. Even if you are not paying for any of your medical expenses out of your own pocket, the dollar amount of your expenses is used as a factor in determining your level of pain and suffering.
Factors that determine your settlement offer
- Your age
- Your occupation and education level
- The length of your hospitalization and your surgeries
- The dollar amount of your medical expenses
- Whether or not you have a permanent injury
and more.
What you can do
Seek not only medical treatment, but mental health treatment as well. Keep all appointments, keep careful records, and record your daily feelings in an accident recovery journal. You are entitled to be compensated for every way the accident has negatively affected your life.
Act quickly to get legal representation.
If you think that you are going to get an adequate compensation amount from the at-fault driver's insurance carrier, think again. Only by acting quickly and filing a personal injury suit can you expect to be properly compensated. You can be reimbursed for not only your pain and suffering but also your lost wages with the threat of a lawsuit. Contact a law firm like the Hodge Law Firm for additional advice.