5 Common Divorce Myths
Divorce is very common in the United States and is a complex legal process. If you are considering getting a divorce, you have probably heard all sorts of stories about the process and wonder if they are true or not. It is important to be able to separate fact from fiction.
Here are some common divorce myths.
Mothers Always Get Custody of the Children
While this may have been true man years ago, it is not the case today. However, nowadays, judges look at many factors before deciding who to give custody to. After all, they are looking out for the best interest of the children. For example, if the mother has a drug problem, the judge will be more willing to give custody to the father.
Judges Punish Spouses Who Are Unfaithful
If your spouse had an affair, you have every right to feel hurt and betrayed. However, you shouldn't expect the court to punish your spouse for it during divorce proceedings. Most judges won't consider cheating a factor when deciding on custody arrangements and property settlements.
It's Okay to Hide Assets
Even if you think that your spouse does not deserve a piece of property you own together, you should not try to hide it from the court. When you file for divorce, you will have to list your income, assets, and debts. If you are caught lying, you could face fines and other serious consequences.
You Need a Specific Reason to Get a Divorce
Some people falsely assume that they must have a specific reason for getting divorced. This simply is not true. All states are no-fault now, so you don't have to list a clear reason for getting divorced. You can just cite irreconcilable differences.
You Don't Need a Divorce Lawyer
Although the courts do not require you to have a divorce lawyer, it is definitely recommended. Divorce is a complex legal process and you do not want to go through it alone. A skilled divorce lawyer will guide you through the process and ensure your legal rights are protected. Your lawyer will work hard to help you secure a fair settlement and look out for your best interests.
If you plan to get divorced, you should speak to an experienced divorce lawyer as soon as possible. A divorce can be a scary and confusing process, and a divorce lawyer could help you through it all.