Should You Contact A Motor Vehicle Accident Attorney After A Minor Accident?
The decision to contact a motor vehicle accident attorney after being involved in a serious accident is an easy decision to make for just about anyone. However, this decision may not be quite so cut and dry if you were in a minor car accident. If you were recently involved in a minor motor vehicle accident, contacting a lawyer can still prove to be quite beneficial.
Your Injuries May Be More Severe Than You Thought
Even minor motor vehicle accidents can result in rather serious injuries. In some cases, you may not realize the extent of these injuries until days or even weeks after the accident. This is often due to the natural rush of adrenaline that the body has after being involved in an accident. The problem with this delayed response is that it leaves room for the insurance company to challenge the cause of your injuries since they were not immediately reported after the accident. In situations such as this, a motor vehicle accident lawyer can assist you and help ensure that the insurance company not only covers your medical expenses but that you are also compensated for any pain and suffering, lost wages, or mental anguish you have suffered.
Your Vehicle Damage May Be More Costly To Repair Than You Anticipated
At first glance, you may assume that what appears to be minor damage to your vehicle will be fairly inexpensive to repair and will easily be covered by the other driver's car insurance policy. However, just as damage to your body may not be immediately evident at the scene of the accident, the extent of the damage to your vehicle may not be known until after you take your car in to be repaired. This can result in much higher repair estimates than you were expecting. If the other driver does not have adequate insurance coverage or if the insurance company challenges the cost of these repairs, you could suddenly find yourself facing an uphill battle. In these situations, the services of a motor vehicle accident lawyer can make a world of difference when it comes to settling your claim.
Remember You Have Nothing To Lose
There is typically no cost associated with consulting a motor vehicle accident lawyer regarding your claim. Therefore, you truly have nothing to lose and everything to gain by choosing to make the call and schedule your consultation. What this means is that no matter how minor your car accident may be, it is always in your best interest to at least consult with an attorney.
If you have questions about your case, contact a local motor vehicle accident lawyer.