2 Things You Should Bring With You For Your Initial Consultation With A Family Lawyer When Filing For Divorce
Whether you and your spouse have both decided to get a divorce or the decision was one-sided, you will need to go through the necessary legal proceedings to end the marriage. Especially if you have been together for years and have a lot of shared assets, you will need the assistance of an attorney to help sort everything out.
If you are planning on hiring a lawyer to help with your divorce, you may be wondering what you will need when you speak with them during the initial consultation. Below are a couple of things you will want to bring with you for your consultation with a family lawyer when you wish to file for divorce.
1. Copies of Deeds, Statements, and Titles for Any Property That You and Your Former Spouse Have Shared Rights To
One thing that you will need to bring with you is any paperwork that pertains to you and your former spouse's shared assets. Because these shared assets are entwined between you, you will need to have the courts decide how they will be split, especially if there are any disputes between you and your ex.
When you go to your initial consultation, bring with you copies of any property deeds and titles as well as bank statements. It would help if you also made notes as to whether any of the properties or money was obtained before or during the marriage.
2. Copies of Any Text Messages, Emails, and Voice Communications with Your Former Spouse That May Help Your Case
Another thing you should bring with you when meeting with the family lawyer is copies of any communications between you and your former spouse that you feel may help your case. This includes any text messages, emails, and voicemail recordings that your ex has sent you saying anything about the upcoming divorce, splitting of assets, or even threats they may have made.
When the attorney reviews these communications, they can decide whether they may help you in divorce court.
When you meet with a family attorney for the first time to discuss your divorce, you should have copies of anything that pertains to any shared property between you and your former spouse. If you have any written or verbal communications with your ex, make sure you also bring copies of those as well so that the lawyer can determine whether they may be helpful during the divorce proceedings. If you have not already scheduled a consultation, contact a family lawyer in your area to make an appointment.