
Hello, my name is Priscilla Patton and if you're interested in learning about living trusts you can find many articles of interest in this blog. When my parents told me they were going to speak to an attorney about a living trust, I didn't know exactly what they were talking about. I decided to do some research to find out about living trusts and why they're beneficial. After doing thorough research, I knew all about living trusts and I was glad that my parents had decided to speak to an attorney about this important legal document. If you need to learn more information about living trusts, please read my blog.


Mistakes To Avoid When Hiring A Criminal Defense Attorney

3 October 2018
Law, Blog

After being charged with a crime, you're likely to feel anxious, upset, and stressed. Being charged with a crime is something to take very seriously, and if you are ever in this position, it is important to hire a criminal defense attorney to represent you in court. It is never in your best interest to represent yourself in court for a criminal case, especially if your charges are serious. But at the same time, not all criminal defense attorneys are equal, so you need to know how to hire the right one who can do the best job.
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Steps For Being Able To Have A Friend Pick Up Your Car After A DUI

30 August 2018
 Categories: Law, Blog

When you're stopped for driving erratically and the office who detains you charges you with driving under the influence of alcohol following some testing, one question that you'll face is what will happen to your vehicle. The police have the option of impounding it or allowing you to release it to a friend or family member. If the police impound the vehicle, you'll have to pay a fee to get it back, and beyond being an expense, this is also a hassle.
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Understanding Estate Trustee Duties

23 July 2018
 Categories: Law, Blog

Having an estate plan is important, but some people stop short of making a complete plan. A last will and testament has always been the most recognized estate document, but revocable trusts have steadily gained interest. Just as a will has an executor, a revocable trust has a trustee. Read on to learn more about how trusts work and the role of the trustee. What makes a trust revocable? Where a will can (and should) be updated every so often, a trust can too.
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Social Media And Personal Injury Cases: Myths You Need To Know

22 June 2018
 Categories: Law, Blog

If you are involved in a personal injury lawsuit, your lawyer may advise you against using social media websites until the claim is settled or taken to trial. Unfortunately, people believe many myths related to social media and personal injury claims, and as such, they post, despite their lawyers' warnings. Here are a few of the top myths related to social media and personal injury cases and the truth surrounding these myths.
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Missed Cancer Diagnosis: What To Do If Your Doctor Failed To Detect Your Serious Condition

22 April 2018
 Categories: Law, Blog

A missed diagnosis is one of the more common medical mistakes these days, affecting tens of millions of Americans every year, but when a doctor misses cancer, the consequences can be far greater than with other diseases. Cancer under any circumstances is devastating; however, if it could have been caught and treated sooner, your options may now be limited, along with having a less favorable prognosis. 1. Stay Focused On Your Treatment
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About Me
The Benefits Of A Living Trust

Hello, my name is Priscilla Patton and if you're interested in learning about living trusts you can find many articles of interest in this blog. When my parents told me they were going to speak to an attorney about a living trust, I didn't know exactly what they were talking about. I decided to do some research to find out about living trusts and why they're beneficial. After doing thorough research, I knew all about living trusts and I was glad that my parents had decided to speak to an attorney about this important legal document. If you need to learn more information about living trusts, please read my blog.
