
Hello, my name is Priscilla Patton and if you're interested in learning about living trusts you can find many articles of interest in this blog. When my parents told me they were going to speak to an attorney about a living trust, I didn't know exactly what they were talking about. I decided to do some research to find out about living trusts and why they're beneficial. After doing thorough research, I knew all about living trusts and I was glad that my parents had decided to speak to an attorney about this important legal document. If you need to learn more information about living trusts, please read my blog.


5 Common Divorce Myths

15 July 2020
 Categories: Law, Blog

Divorce is very common in the United States and is a complex legal process. If you are considering getting a divorce, you have probably heard all sorts of stories about the process and wonder if they are true or not. It is important to be able to separate fact from fiction. Here are some common divorce myths. Mothers Always Get Custody of the Children While this may have been true man years ago, it is not the case today.
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Top Benefits Of Meeting With A Personal Injury Lawyer As Soon As Possible

11 June 2020
 Categories: Law, Blog

Many people seek the help of a personal injury lawyer after being involved in an accident or after otherwise being hurt due to someone else's negligence. However, some people make the mistake of waiting too long to meet with an attorney. Right now, you might know that you are interested in hiring a personal injury lawyer, but you might not be in too much of a rush to meet with one.
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Working With An Uncooperative Employer And Workers’ Comp Claims

7 May 2020
 Categories: Law, Blog

Suffering from a work-related injury is bad enough. Sometimes, though, the hurt worker is unable to take the first step in acquiring benefits because of an uncooperative employer. If you've been hurt on the job and are facing a brick wall instead of support, read on to find out what to do. Why is the Employer Uncooperative? Workers are fortunate to have workers' compensation insurance. The employer pays the entire premium for the worker and they are supposed to cooperate when an employee is hurt.
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Signs Your Auto Accident Case Might End in a Trial

25 March 2020
 Categories: Law, Blog

The majority of auto accident cases get resolved before trial; only about 5% go to trial. Below are some of the major signs that show your case might be among the few that end in a trial. Multiple Defendants Cases involving multiple defendants tend to be complicated. For one, multiple defendants mean you might have separate claims with the defendants. Separate claims and negotiations increase the risk that at least one of the defendants will prove difficult to negotiate with and force you to a trial.
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About Me
The Benefits Of A Living Trust

Hello, my name is Priscilla Patton and if you're interested in learning about living trusts you can find many articles of interest in this blog. When my parents told me they were going to speak to an attorney about a living trust, I didn't know exactly what they were talking about. I decided to do some research to find out about living trusts and why they're beneficial. After doing thorough research, I knew all about living trusts and I was glad that my parents had decided to speak to an attorney about this important legal document. If you need to learn more information about living trusts, please read my blog.
